A downloadable game for Windows

Epic Riddler is my Entry for the 2023 Epic MegaJam.

You have to solve two riddles to obtain the key and escape from this room. Riddles are ingeniously concealed throughout this confined space, challenging your intellect and creativity. As you embark on this riddle-filled journey, remember that every enigma holds a vital clue, and each revelation propels you closer to reclaiming your freedom. The successful resolution of the initial riddle will unveil the path to the second. Don't hesitate to employ hints if needed to unravel their secrets. These riddles vary in complexity, ensuring that perseverance remains your greatest ally in this quest. Embrace the mounting excitement with each key fragment unearthed, knowing that your unwavering determination is your ticket to victory.


NiyoCreations_EpicRiddler.zip 3 GB
Version 1 Sep 21, 2023

Install instructions

  1. Locate the download button or link on your game's itch.io page.
  2. Click on it to start the download of the game files. The files may be in a compressed format like ZIP or RAR.
  3. Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded file in your computer's downloads folder or the location you specified.
  4. Right-click on the file and select "Extract" or "Extract Here" to unpack the files into a folder.
  5. Open the folder containing the game files.
  6. Look for an executable file .exe for Windows. 
  7. Run the executable to start the game.

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